BedTech Gel Max 14" Mattress

In Stock
Twin XL
  • Twin XL
  • Queen
  • King
  • Cal King


BedTech 14" Gel Max Mattress

The BedTech Gel Max 14” Mattress is the reimagined upgrade of the former Gel Lux series. The Gel-Max series of memory foam mattresses shares similar comfort features with layers of Open Cell soft cooling gel foam and combines them with charcoal-infused memory foam. The new improved design takes this mattress to the next level for the perfect level of medium support for all kinds of sleepers.


2” Cooling Top Layer

The top layer is made of 2 inches of ultra-plush ventilated gel charcoal memory foam designed to evenly dispense heat and wick moisture to keep you cool all night.

3” Middle Layer

The Middle Layer is made with 3 inches of soft breathable memory foam to help contour your body and relieve your pressure points.

2” Comfort Core

The 2-inch comfort core is made of supportive graphite gel foam to relieve all your pressure points and keep your spine in proper alignment.

7” Base Layer

The Base Layer of the Gel Max 14” mattress is made of 7 inches of High-Density foam to ensure quality construction and keep you well supported.

Removable Outer Cover

The luxurious anti-microbial outer cover can unzip for cleaning to keep your mattress feeling like new.

38" x 75" x 14"

Twin XL
38" x 80" x 14"

54" x 75" x 14"

60" x 80" x 14"

76" x 80" x 14"

Cal King
76" x 84" x 14"
10-year non-prorated warranty
User Manual

Custom Tab 01

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