BedTech BT-3000 Adjustable Bed

In Stock
  • TWIN
  • FULL
  • KING


BedTech BT-3000 Adjustable Bed

BedTech’s innovative BT-3000 adjustable bed offers a wide range of features including four preset positions, 3 levels of therapeutic massage with 3 modes to choose from and wireless remote controls with 2 programmable memory positions. With head and foot adjustment capabilities, you can adjust your level of comfort to find the perfect sleeping or lounging position. Download the mobile App and control your bed using your favorite device. Start enjoying the benefits of elevation and begin getting the rest you need today with a BT-3000 Adjustable Bed.


Head & Foot Position Adjustment

Elevate your head and feet to the find your favorite sleeping or resting position or adjust your bed into a preprogrammed position.

Bluetooth Connection

The mobile app is compatible with IOS or Android devices and gives you access to all of your bed’s controls using your favorite device.

4 Preset Positions

Transition your bed with one touch of a button into any of the 4 preset positions: flat, TV, Zero-Gravity, and Lounge.

2 Programmable Memory Positions

Two Memory buttons on the remote allow you to save your favorite positions to access anytime.

Head and Foot Massage

Melt away the stresses of the day with soothing vibration massage with 3 Levels intensity and 3 vibration modes.

Dual USB Ports

Dual USB charging ports built under bed are situated on both sides so everyone has a place to charge their device while keeping it within reach.

Under Bed LED Lighting

The Underbed LED lighting was designed to be used as a warm ambient night light or to help guide you in the darkness.

Built in Flashlight Hand Control

Use the Built-In flashlight on the remote to help find your way around at night. 

12’’ Adjustable Legs

Adjust the height of your bed between 4, 8, and 12 inches.

38" x 75"

Twin XL
38" x 80"

54" x 75"

60" x 80"

Split Queen
30' x 80' (2)

78" x 80"

Cal King
72" x 84"

Split Cal King
36' x 84 (2 halves)
2-Year Platinum Warranty (w/in home service)

20-Year Steel Frame and Prorated Parts Warranty
User Manual

Custom Tab 01

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