MSpa Mont Blanc Urban Series 4 Person Inflatable Hot Tub

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MSpa Mont Blanc Premium Series 4 Person Inflatable Hot Tub

The Mont Blanc Premium Series Hot Tub comes in an outer layer of chic bias bpi leather in a luxurious diamond stitched pattern. Completely surround your body in a blissful cushion of massaging bubbles. The Premium bubble spa treatment is designed to deliver a holistic, full body experience. Warm air is pushed through the 360-degree staggered air jet design, creating thousands of bubbles. The compact round size of the Mont Blanc makes the water heat up so much faster, so rejuvenation starts sooner. With built-in whisper quiet 1350W heating technology you can have a more soothing relaxation experience.

MSpa Mont Blanc 4 Person Inflatable Hot Tub Features:


UVC Sanitation

The new MSpa collections come with a built in UVC sanitizer which can kill more than 60 disease causing microorganisms and pathogens while using nothing more than light. 




Ozone Technology Kills Odors and Bacteria

MSpa hot tubs feature a built-in O3 OZONE GENERATOR that is 50 times more effective than chlorine and the effects are visible 3000 times faster. This technology was designed to control odors and kill bacteria including Giardia, Cryptosporidium, parasites, fungi, molds & other viruses and microbes.



Anti-Icing System

When the water temperature goes below 1°C (33.8°F), the heater runs automatically until the water is heated up to 3°C (37.4°F). This will help prevent the water from freezing and protect the circulation system, pump, and pipe.



Smart Filtration

To ensure optimum water quality in the spa, the filter cartridge is recommended to be cleaned after each use and replaced every 3-5 days. A convenient reminder will pop us on the remote at least once a week when the spa is kept warm.



Anti-Bacterial Fabric

Antibacterial fabric is applied to the inner hot tub liner. This fabric was designed to release bactericidal components which helps reduce 99% of the reproduction of bacteria.





All-Around Bubbling Design

A 360-degree air jet system fills the spa with thousands of bubbles, staggered jets push bubbles into the center of the spa, creating a balanced, all-encompassing body massage. 




Wired Controller

The Remote is a convenient wired controller that stores outside of the tub in a storage pocket and stays connected for ease of access. You can use the integrated wired controller to easily access all the functions and minimize the setup process.



PTC Heating Technology

MSpa has applied the PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) technology to all spa products to provide you with a warm and comfortable spa experience and ensure a quick heat-up function.



Included with MSpa Mont Blanc Inflatable Hot Tub

2 Filter Cartridges and a Filter Base, Garden Hose Adapter, Top Lid with Buckles, Inflation Hose, Heat Preservation Mat, Inflatable Bladder, Wrench, Digital Lock for Safety and Owner’s Manual.





1.80m x 0.70m / 71" x 28"


700 Litres / 184 Gallons


32Kg / 70.5 Lbs


118 Air Jets 




2.5- 3.5°F/Hour​


110 - 120V | 60Hz






24V / 50W




30 - 50 mg/hour




Plug and Play Technology






MSpa® has been manufactured with reliability and simplicity in mind. All products have been inspected and found free of defects prior to leaving the factory.


If You Wish To Make A Claim


MSpa warrants this product against defects in material and workmanship for a period of: ONE (1) Year


The warranty period begins on the date of purchase and MSpa requires presentation of the original proof of purchase to ascertain the date. During the warranty period, MSpa will either repair or replace, at its discretion, any defective products. Replacement products or repaired parts will be warranted for only the unexpired portion of the original warranty.


Shipping Policy


Consumers are responsible for the shipping/freight when return the defect parts to MSpa authorized service center or ORPC-Oriental Recreational Products (Shanghai)Co., Ltd.


Warranty Policy


● This limited warranty does not apply to any defect resulting from negligence, accident, misuse, or other reason beyond MSpa’s reasonable control, included but not limited to: normal wear and tear, negligence or failure to follow the product instructions, improper or inadequate maintenance; connection to improper power supply; chemical water damage, loss of pool water, unauthorized product modification or repair; use for commercial purpose; fire, lightening, flood or other external causes


● This warranty is valid only in the country of purchase in such countries where MSpa sells and services the same model with identical technical specifications


● Warranty service outside the country of purchase is limited to the terms and conditions of the corresponding warranty in the country of service. Where the cost of repairs or replacement is not covered by this warranty, MSpa will advise the owners and the cost shall be charged to the owner.


● This warranty only applies to the original purchaser and terminates upon any transfer of ownership.


● All repairs of which warranty claims are made must be pre-authorized by ORPC through an accredited distributor or agent provided that the defective part be returned to the distributor or agent Transportation Prepaid, if requested.


● All the authorized selling dealer is responsible for all in-field service work carried out on your MSpa product. ORPC will not be liable for results of cost of workmanship from unauthorized service person.


● Products marked with both MSpa and another producer are governed exclusively by the warranty provided by the other producer.


Warranty Registration

Please always keep the purchase receipt, warranty card in case of future warranty inquiry. All claims must be submitted to MSpa authorized dealers or service partners. Warranty contact information is provided on the back of the warranty card. It is essential that all submitted claims provide all the necessary information, including Customer name, Purchase receipt, Serial No., Product No., Problem, and Parts requested.


Custom Tab 01

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.