Blu Sleep Conforma One Mattress

Blu Sleep
In Stock
Twin XL
  • Twin XL
  • Queen
  • Split Head Queen
  • King
  • Split Head King




Blu Sleep Conforma One Mattress

We have designed our mattress from the base up. Support comes from the base of the mattress and as many brands opt to cut corners and cost with a bedspring hybrid approach, we decided to use advanced foam technology to better suit your needs. Our premium base foams are shaped into adaptive columns that keep the spine aligned and let air flow through the base and up out of the breathable foams. The AirPod is the key to a better mattress. Without a good base, a mattress loses its ability to give you a restful sleep.





Blu Sleep Conforma One Mattress


Our Conforma One has 3 layers that work together to provide the right amount of support and pressure relieving comfort.






Blu Sleep Conforma One Mattress Comfort Layer

2 inch | top comfort layer

Aqua Gel foam. 100% foamed gel. Pressure relieving soft feel. Extreme open cell structure for rapid dissipation of body heat.






Blu Sleep Conforma One Mattress Transition Layer

2 inch | Transition layer

Firm memory foam







Blu Sleep Conforma One Mattress Air Pod base foam

6 inch | Air Pod base foam for increased airflow

AirPod towers adapt to the contours of the body to reduce pressure points and motion transfer for an optimum orthopaedic support from head to toe. Anatomically zoned support. Optimized for flexibility when set up on adjustable bases.





Water expanded and Ultra Breathable Foam

Arctic covers with PCM cooling treatment and fabric




Twin XL
38" x 80" x 10"
38" x 80" x 10"

60" x 80" x 10"
Split Head Queen
30" x 80" x 10"
76" x 80" x 10"

Split Head King
38" x 80" x 10"

20 Year Limited Warranty
User Manual

Custom Tab 01

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