Dawn House Adjustable Smart Bed with Mattress - Free White Glove Delivery

Dawn House
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  • Ivory
  • Slate
Twin XL
  • Twin XL
  • Full
  • Queen
  • Split King


The Dawn House Adjustable Bed with Mattress



The Dawn House Living Adjustable Smart Bed is the perfect example of modern-day technology with an ergonomic design that offers built-in health sensors, voice controls, adjustable bed height, snore detection, motion-activated lights, massage, and so many more high-tech and wellness features that set this bed apart from the rest. The Dawn House bed is not only an attractive piece of furniture, but a bed that offers you many optimal conveniences and maximum safety. The recessed base, padded frame and completely enclosed electronics make this bed safer sleep by Design. Getting proper sleep is proven to improve our overall well-being and The Dawn House Bed was designed to enhance the quality of your sleep so you can continue to enjoy a vibrant quality of life. 


This smart bed can be programmed to assist you with your daily sleep routine with a rise to wake bed alarm and can also be set adjust into a preset sleeping position when you’re ready to go to sleep at night. The snore detection feature will sense when you're snoring through the Dawn House App and gently elevate the bed around 12 degrees in response to your snoring while you sleep to help open airways. The thoughtful design of this bed was intended to help people focus on their physical well-being and can be the perfect option for those who need to monitor their sleep patterns for medical purposes. The Dawn House Bed comes with exceptional health technology that can monitor your heart rate, respiratory rate, snoring, and keep track of how many hours you’ve slept as well as how much of that time your body received deep restorative sleep. You also have the capability of sharing this health report with a loved one or health professional.  


The accessible design of the base allows you to adjust the bed’s height from 10 to 16 inches making it easy to get in and out of bed with an ideal mattress designed to prevent you from slipping when seated on the edge. The Dawn House Mattress was made with careful attention to detail with patented edge support, cooling memory foam, and flexible air channels for optimal breathability. This supportive mattress is the perfect medium and will keep your spine in alignment plus keep you cool and comfortable all night long. Take relaxation to the next level with soothing vibration massage therapy that can be adjusted with 3 levels of intensity. You can easily adjust all the features on the bed using either the handheld remote, the mobile app, or by using the unique voice console with simple voice commands. Another helpful feature is the motion-activated lights that automatically turn on and illuminate your space when getting up from bed in the middle of the night.  



Adjustable Bed Height 

The Dawn House Living Smart Bed comes equipped with a unique feature that allows you to adjust the bed height based on your needs. easily raise and lower the mattress from 10”-16” for help with getting in and out of bed. Use a simple voice command or the wireless remote to make getting in and out of bed safer and easier. 





Head & Foot Adjustment 

Customize your level of comfort and raise the head or foot area to read, watch TV, use your favorite device, or relax any time of day. Find your favorite sleeping position and help relieve sleep apnea with gentle elevation. Raise both ends and get all the benefits of resting in Zero Gravity with the touch of the Zero-G button. 





Massage Mode 

With one touch of the Relax button, built-in oscillating motors deliver soothing vibration massage that promotes relaxation and improved circulation and can be adjusted with 3 levels of intensity. Vibration massage therapy can be an invigorating treatment to help get your blood flowing at the start of your day or help ease away tension and stress after a long day. 





Underbed Lighting 

The underbed-lighting of the Dawn House Bed gives off a warm, soothing ambient glow like no other bed in the industry. Motion= activated lights automatically turn on to illuminate the area around the bed when you get up in the night for better visibility. 




Rise to Wake 

The Rise-to-Wake feature is a built-in alarm clock that can be programmed to slowly raise the head of the bed at a certain time to gently wake you up and help you get your day started without the hassle of annoying alarm sounds.






Health Sensors 

The Dawn House Bed comes equipped with state-of-the-art, in-home wellness monitoring that passively measures all the aspects of your sleep cycle and other vital indicators. Monitor your heart rate, respiration, and snoring so you can identify issues over time for improved health maintenance with built-in sensors that activate when you lay on the bed. Connect to the Dawn House Bed mobile app and monitor your health while you sleep. 




Anti-Snore Detection Feature 

Use the Snore button on the remote to gently raise the head of the bed to help alleviate the effects of snoring by opening airways. Use the Snore Detecting feature on the mobile App to sense when you’re snoring and automatically elevate the bed while you sleep. 



Voice Control

Use simple voice commands that have been programmed into the bed and the voice console will enable the bed to be controlled to adjust into a new position based on the specific command. Also, use the voice console as a charging base for your mobile device by simply placing your device on top of the Puck.  

Remote Control

The Dawn House Bed comes with a wireless remote that has an ergonomic design with high-contrast, soft-touch buttons which are backlit and easy to use, even in the dark. 

Mobile App (iPhone & Android)

The dedicated Dawn House App will transform your favorite mobile device into your bed remote as well as give you access to additional features like providing information about your sleep activity and Snore-Detection. Plus, program your bed’s settings for your morning or evening routines.

Real-Time App Notifications 

The Dawn House Bed app sends notifications to family members or caregivers in real time about specific activities or changes in vital health indicators that have been monitored while you rest or sleep. 

Monitor Your Sleep 

Since changes in our health often happen in very small increments, The Dawn House app makes it easy to help you identify trends in sleep patterns and other vital health indicators over weeks or months. You can also check the total number of hours you’ve slept and what percentage is deep sleep. This valuable information can be shared with family members or caregivers. 


Washable Cooling Cover

The washable cooling cover provides a layer of soft protection that is plush and cool to the touch. The cover can be removed and washed for optimal freshness and care. 


Reactive Memory Foam

The supportive springy feeling of a traditional mattress is paired with memory foam that’s been designed to contour the unique curves of your body and provide support and comfort for sleepers in any position. 


Cooling Gel Foam

Essential properties of the gel foam help regulate the mattress temperature by evenly distributing body heat to allow for a more cool and comfortable sleep. 


Patented Edge Support

The patented edge support maximizes the sleeping area with solid edge support built to prevent slipping while sitting on the side of the bed or getting in and out of bed as well as providing stable support when leaning against or walking around the bed. 


Support Foam

The Support Foam comes with strategically positioned Movement Grooves designed to enhance mattress flexibility and ensure seamless contouring for articulated movements of an adjustable base. 

Flex-Air Channel Base

The Flex-Air channel base foam uses open channels for optimal airflow within the mattress to improve breathability, temperature consistency, and mattress shape retention.  



  Twin Long Full Queen Split King
Weight Capacity 700 lbs 700 lbs 700 lbs 700 lbs
Weight 231 lbs 271 lbs 308 lbs 462 lbs
Width 37.5" 53.5" 59.5" 75"
Length 79.5" 73.5" 79.5" 79.5"
Height Range 10" to 16" 10" to 16" 10" to 16" 10" to 16"


Your Dawn House bed is warranted against defects in materials or workmanship for two years from the date of purchase to the original purchaser. During such time, we will repair or replace any warranted part found to be defective by the manufacturer, at its sole discretion.

During years 3 through 5 from the original purchase date, the manufacturer will replace any part on the adjustable base found to be defective, to the original Purchaser. The manufacturer’s liability is limited to the replacement of the defective electrical/ mechanical parts* ONLY with the purchaser responsible for all service, installation, and transportation cost of said parts.

Your adjustable base has a one year, full replacement on parts, labor and transportation on the health sensors should your health sensors fail during the first year of this warranty from the original purchase date. This warranty covers the functionality of the health sensors for their normal, intended use as specified in the Owner’s Manual and does not cover a malfunction that has resulted in improper or unreasonable use or maintenance, or accident. 

For the complete warranty information, please click here.

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