Price Match Guarantee

Price Match Guarantee

We work very hard to ensure that we offer the absolute best prices online. If you find another online store that offers a lower price than us, please let us know and we will be more than happy to match the price. We want you to feel confident that you are getting the absolute best price for the product you are ordering.  In order to qualify for a Price Match, please ensure the following:

  • The product is a matching brand and model.
  • The product is in stock and immediately available at a qualifying online retailer.
  • Promotions such as rebates and buy one, get one free offers are not eligible.
  • The competitor is an online store, they may not have a retail location.
  • The competitors website cannot be a discounter or auction website (IE: eBay, overstock, etc..)
  • The competitor must be an Authorized Retailer of the product in question.
Ways To Request A Price Match:

Call  Give us a call directly at 1-888-882-5538

Email Send us an email at

Chat Just click on the Chat Icon at the bottom right corner of our website, and a member of our team will be more than happy to assist you

Form Please complete the form below and include any of the models that you are interested in getting a Price Match on, then press submit.